The Cost of Caring
Christina Maslach

Christina Maslach
Now regarded as a leading authority in her field, Christina Maslach was one of the first psychologists to explore the burnout phenomenon. She holds a Ph.D. in social psychology from Stanford University and is a professor and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education at the University of California at Berkeley. Best known for her research on occupational burnout, she is a co-author of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and Areas of Worklife Survey.
The Cost of Caring
Christina Maslach
This reprint of the pioneering work of Christina Maslach offers new ideas and fresh perspectives on understanding burnout. Illustrated with numerous first-hand accounts and examples of burnout, the book explains what causes the feeling of emotional exhaustion, the sense of indifference to other people’s problems, and the formation of the belief in one’s inability to help and relate to others. This insightful guide is written for everyone who has extensive contact with other people in his or her work and personal life, and it will help show people how to beat burnout.