Loy Bilderback was a social scientist and Professor Emeritus of the Department of History at California State University, Fresno, and an expert on population studies.

Gordon Claridge is Emeritus Professor of Abnormal Psychology in Oxford University and Emeritus Fellow of Magdalen College.

Ted Dewan is an acclaimed award-winning author/ illustrator and creator of the Emmy-Award-winning television series “Bing.” MindReal is one of his four collaborations with Robert Ornstein, the others being The Evolution of Consciousness, The Roots of the Self and The Axemaker’s Gift.

Anne H. Ehrlich, senior research scientist emeritus, Stanford Department of Biology, has coauthored ten books and written extensively on population biology, population control, environmental protection, and environmental consequences of nuclear war.

Paul R. Ehrlich, President, Stanford Center for Conservation Biology and Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies at Stanford University, has been a pioneer in alerting the public to the problems of overpopulation, and in raising issues of population, resources, and the environment as matters of public policy.

Paul Ekman, Professor Emeritus in Psychology at University of California, San Francisco, is the world’s foremost expert in facial expressions, particularly as related to truthfulness, and how people can improve their awareness of others. His studies led to the recognition of seven universally expressed emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise and happiness. He served as a scientific advisor on the Disney PIXAR movie Inside Out.

Wallace Friesen was a Lecturer in Psychology and Research Psychologist at University of California, San Francisco, where he worked as a co-investigator with Paul Ekman for many years. He later moved to the University of Kentucky where his research focused on emotion in old age.

Christina Maslach, an American social psychologist and professor emerita of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, was one of the first psychologists to explore the burnout phenomenon. In addition to teaching, she has done extensive research on the subject and has written several books and many articles in such publications as Psychology Today.

Denise Nessel is a senior consultant with the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education (NUA) and has as worked as a teacher, university professor, and school-district supervisor of curriculum and instruction.

Robert Ornstein was a noted psychologist and a leading expert on the brain. Founder and president of the Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge, Ornstein wrote more than 20 books on the brain, mind, and consciousness emphasizing our urgent need and ability to develop perceptions beyond our biological inheritance.
Meditation and Modern Psychology
The Psychology of Consciousness
The Evolution of Consciousness
God 4.0: On the Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God”

Sally M. Ornstein is the editor of “Ideas That Shaped Our Modern World,” a comprehensive overview of the role of religion throughout human history (see humanjourney.us).
God 4.0: On the Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God”

Ruth Pryor has held teaching and research posts at the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of Washington, Seattle; Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; and the University of Wales. She is the editor of Letters to Vernon Watkins and The Collected Poems of Vernon Watkins.

Shirley Radl was a journalist and author of several books about women and motherhood.

William Sargant was a British physician and psychiatrist. His Battle for the Mind remains a definitive work in understanding the phenomena of brainwashing, how people can be made to suddenly reverse established patterns of belief and behavior.

David Sobel is Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine and former Medical Director of Patient Education and Health Promotion for The Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Permanente Northern California. He is the author of eight books on the mind and health.

Gwen Watkins taught at the University of Washington and the Extra-Mural Department of the University College of Swansea. Her publications include Portrait of a Friend, about Dylan Thomas and Vernon Watkins, and Dickens in Search of Himself.

Denise Winn is a British journalist, the editor of Human Givens Journal and a former editor of the UK edition of Psychology Today and medical writer for Cosmopolitan. She is the author of eight books on psychology and medicine.

Philip Zimbardo, a renowned social psychologist, Stanford Professor Emeritus and former director of the Stanford Shyness Clinic, is currently a teaching professor at Palo Alto University. His research interests are in experimental social psychology, with an emphasis on time perspective, persuasion, violence, political psychology, and terrorism. He is also the founder of The Heroic Imagination Project, exploring and encouraging the psychology of everyday heroes.